1. They have a message ——
  1. i) Toothpick       :           to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others
  1. ii) Rubberband   :           to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go                                                      the way you want, but it will work out.

iii)        Bandaid          :           to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone                                                         else’s

  1. iv) Pencil              :           to remind you to list your blessings everyday
  1. v) Eraser              :           to remind you that everyone makes mistakes but can                                                          correct them
  1. vi) Chewing Gum            :           to remind you to stick with a purpose & you can                                                                   accomplish anything


  1. Education      does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it                                     means             teaching them to behave as they do not behave —-  John                                        Ruskin
  1. One day Rene Descartes, the French philosopher, was asked why he did not take revenge on a man who had offended him.  ‘When someone offends me, I raise my     spirit to heights where offences cannot reach’, he replied.
  1. Someof us think, more of us think we think  & most of us do not even think of     thinking — Herbert N. Casson
  1. There are threekinds of people in the world. The first are those who are like letters       carved in a rock; they easily give way to anger & retain their angry thoughts for a    long time. The second are those who are like letters written in the sand: they give    way to anger also, but their angry thoughts quietly pass away. The third are          those who are like letters written in running water : they allow abuse &             uncomfortable gossip pass by unnoticed:their minds are always pure & undisturbed-                     —Gautama Buddha
  1. The best king is Thin king, the best wealth is Health,

            The best cure is Nature Cure, the best culture is Agri culture,

            The best ism is Patriotism, the best city is Simpli city,

            The best  fare is Wel fare, the best ship is Friend ship,

            The best existence is Co-existence, the best love is True love,

The best day is To day.   —-Saco V H .Stephen

  1. The best combination of parents consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, & a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness.—Sydney Harris



  1. Do more than exist— Live.  Do more than touch—Feel.

             Do more than look — Observe. Do more than read—Absorb.

            Do more than hear — Listen. Do more than listen—Understand.

            Do more than talk— Say something.   

                        —John F Rhodes

  1. Moral indignation is in most cases 2 % moral, 48% indignation & 50% envy.


  1. All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility — ChuangTzu
  1. Life is a battle. The one question left for me to decide is—will I fight on the right or wrong side in the battle of life?
  1. You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
  1. Each raindrop makes some flowers glow; each struggle lessens human woe.  

                        —- C. Mackey

  1. We should take fire from the past & not its ashes.


  1. When you are right, no one remembers; when you are wrong, no one forgets

                        — Irish proverb