The Reality of Unreality

The Reality of Unreality or the layers of consciousness

We have accustomed ourselves to many words, phrases, sentences, notions, cults…that ultimately appear as oxymoron s after they are subjected to the inevitable scrutiny we carry out in the course of our lives. Let us start with the most dominant phrase today—the scientific method. Scientific approach needs the objective approach which means that you have to be an outside observer, detached from your subject matter of observation. Though you are a part of the dynamic and ever changing Universe, you have to separate yourself mentally so that you can observe and understand without bias. But understanding itself needs connection to a concept already existing in you. If there is no concept to connect to, you simply cannot understand. So understanding always is a subjective experience and objectivity is impossible. Secondly in science we tailor the truth, to make understanding manageable viz, reducible into a mathematical equation. The most basic feature of the Universe—light, is conveniently reduced into a few headings from the gamma rays to radio waves. But in reality there is a huge spectrum in gamma rays itself and the other headings. The spectrum of consciousness is the Universe, the ever changing Universe itself. The spectrum itself changes.

Now, in quantum physics, it is established that observation itself is not only participation with the subject matter, but also causes change in the subject matter, that is, that it escapes the definition and scope with which you start your study. In reality you are dealing with a subject that automatically escapes your observation, it actually vanishes and if you persist, you have entered the realm of illusion.
The only reality in our lives is fantasy.

99.99999…per cent of an atom is empty space. Within an atom again the quarks in the nucleus are 99.999…per cent empty spaces. The reality is emptiness or vacuum or zero—the dynamic zero.

You live in feelings and emotions. But not one feeling or emotion can be reduced into a mathematical situation or quantification. Can you tell your happiness, in kilos, or liters, or meters or as geometrical shapes? Everything has an infinite extension in the invisible spectrum. We have imprisoned our consciousness in the confines of length, breadth, height and the most important dimension according to Einstein-time. But what about the extension of the piece of that matter in the invisible spectrum? If you agree that there is extension in the invisible spectrum also, then where does that piece of matter end and another piece begin? And what is there between the two pieces?

In the quantum world of atoms, particles, energies, thoughts create the micro cosmic flows. Your observation actually creates particles from the super position wave changing the subject matter of study. Ultimately whatever you take up for study, you end up studying yourself, your own bias,likes,dislikes,fears,fantasies,ambitions,the spectrum of your thoughts and yearnings is infinite.

Today we have obfuscated science as technology. We have reduced thought itself into the mechanical, mechanized techno logic—the logic of the machine. We are the captives of the dismal science—economics, ignoring ecology.

Accounting instead of being the quantification of every micro activity in an organization, is confined to the notion of profit, loss, assets, and liabilities to/of the organization only as something cut off from the rest of the Universe. We have made accountancy the prisoner of economics. Profit must mean, profit to the environment, to the biosphere, to the community in terms of enlightenment and the most unimportantly, profit to the trader. Enlightenment is itself reduced into greed.

But enlightenment needs freedom from the tyranny of economics.

“You create reality by looking at it, is what Quantum Mechanics suggests.”

“One of the most bizarre facts of quantum theory is that there is nothing that is real unless we observe it. That is, there is no moon until you look at it, literally. We create reality by observation. This has been proved experimentally beyond any doubt for small objects like electrons and protons. The same theory holds good for objects of any size like a chair, a tree, a mountain, an ant, or you and me. But since the quantum effects are so weak for large objects, we can hardly create large objects in empty space by merely looking at them. As to why this theory is not yet demonstrated for larger objects, is not a limitation of the theory itself, but due to practical difficulties of setting up the experiment and the phenomenal budget and resources required to do so.”(The Speed of Time by Sharad Nalawade)
The original meaning of physics was meditation—dyana.The Greeks practised physics or meditation to experience physis which means the essential reality. Today we have changed physis into economics— the science of the Bhasmasura. In the name of comforts etc, we are shifting the function of each organ by the employment of a techno device to that device. We are making our organs redundant. Our biologies are in disarray. Technologies are eliminating us. That sir is the scientific approach.

We are today ruled by the machines, for the machines and of the machines. Apart from greed, no other emotion is surviving. There is no need for any courage to do even war. The warriors sit in comfortable offices and send drones thousands of miles away to kill the defenseless, to eliminate them from those lands so that the MNCs can start factories or mine them.
