That Moment Before Hell Breaks Loose…

Photos Taken JUST Before Trouble Starts

When there are trouble, there is that one moment, that one moment before that explains it all, and if could just be avoided, no trouble would begin. However, we always see that moment in hindsight, so it’s impossible to prevent. These are those rare moments, caught on camera, just before some trouble begins…
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
caught in the right moment
