
Sentence, Sensation, Concept and the Flow of Consciousness

The simple present tense covers all the prevailing concepts—situation, general tendency, trends, events…We call it the general idea at the present moment or simply the contemporary situation. All sciences, new thoughts, projections etc., are based for expression on his paradigmatic tense. All sciences are generally written in this tense. It is the base of all analysis.

From there when we proceed to the next tense—the present continuous tense, we experience the present. Here analysis is not possible. It is the ambition of all to live in this tense undiluted by the other tense sensations. It is the actual experiencing. It represents, what actually is happening now. One cannot experience and also analyse. It is feeling the situation.
We put a stop to the present continuous tense to start analysing; we jump to the present perfect tense, the situation immediately after the experience.
But if you want to experience and also analyse a little at the same time you try through the present perfect continuous tense, a futile exercise, because in actuality you miss the present continuous tense portion of this tense. You abstain from living in the present and live in introspection mainly or thinking as to what may happen in the future. The ambition of this tense is of course retrospective introspection continuing into the present feeling.

Usually, immediately after an experience, when you experience the present perfect tense, you begin to go deeper and you go into introspection—the past tense sensations. You vividly experience the past concepts, as though they are not past, you enter the simple past tense or the past prevailing concepts, no longer vividly felt as in the present continuous tense. The simple past tense situation is very difficult to experience as the simple present tense continuously interferes. There is always the conflict, or the sense of incompletion.
But a more difficult effort is feeling the past continuous tense, as though the past has become alive and that the present has not happened. You base your ideas on the simple past paradigms and then feel the past continuous. The embedded subsequent concepts in the memory come into direct conflict with the effort to feel the past continuous tense.

When you go to the past perfect, put a separation to the past continuous and feel the aftermath, in the past perfect tense, you have to do a lot of sub-conscious unlearning. Actually you remain only as a guessing thinker and you cannot feel the past perfect tense very vividly.

When you go to the past perfect continuous tense, something that started in the past and continuing in the past, but really over now, you leave your present. You have to practise living in the past, immersed in it by ignoring the present. Often, as seniors we do it. It is almost our ailment. We cling to it.

When we enter the realm of the future tenses, we often escape with the ‘how to write it’, than how to feel it.
How many can accurately predict the simple future tense of the normal day today future concepts? Our societies are caught by the change fever. We have come to accept as seniors our irrelevance, though unwillingly. But the young among us (Sri ASN), trash and nonsense it and insist on living as youngsters in the present only. I only heard the name—Futurology, but I have not seen any book on that subject. But most people, who no longer like to be called economists, prefer to call themselves futurists.

May be, they are actually living in the future continuous tense, but must be feeling the pull of the living present. It is very difficult to feel and live in the future continuous tense. You have to build a large number future paradigms and then feel and live them—the life of visionaries.

But my God, can we really enter the arena of the future perfect tense? In economic planning, in business establishments, they have developed many tools.

Actually in the Market Research work; the permitted error appears to be only ten per cent. But in these days of competing and jostling new technologies, and the resulting economic applications, feeling the future perfect tense is an extremely difficult task. But how will it be say, when the Higgs boson is synthesized for say controlled big bangs? How will it be when consciousness can study itself?

Feeling the future perfect continuous tense can only be fantasy. Starting from the past, travelling through the present and living in the future is the future perfect continuous tense. We may enter even the subject, reincarnation, our pet subject, though trashed and non-sensed…But after all science often is nonsensing the prevailing accepted sense.
