Unique India. Wake Up!

Unique India ​ – WAKE UP!

"Annual revisions in pension do not happen anywhere in the world" – Arun Jetley, finance minister, commenting on demands of military veterans. Once the Government has agreed for ONE RANK ONE PENSION where is the need for any revision in one year or five years. The normal revision like any other pensioners will happen. Why the Government is creating confusion no one knows.
Look at Some other things that do not happen anywhere in the world. Why do they happen in India? Any justification?

1. The supreme commander of the armed forces who has no idea of what he is commanding ​.

2. Central police forces that are headed by people who have never commanded troops ​.

3. The military is left out of all decision making processes concerning military matters ​.

4. Police forces are used for “VIP” protection and the army is expected to do police work ​.

5. The majority of the country’s leadership are either uneducated, overage, unhealthy and/or have criminal records ​.

6. Political leaders occupy sprawling mansions with a pittance for rent ​.

7. A Member of Parliament is entitled to a pension and perks even if he/she has been a MP for just one day.

8. Parliament does not function for a single day during a session ​.

9. A system of reservations for jobs and promotions ensures that the country will remain in mediocrity for perpetuity.

10. And last, but not the least, an individual whose loss in an election proves his loser status is rewarded with the most important portfolio in the cabinet ​ or appointed governer of a state​
