Respected leaders camping at New Delhi, Our innocent pensioner brethren, in and out off our AIRIEF fold, await to hear the sweetest news of all round success through pertinent final orders, with nil ambiguity, from out of our legal battle at Supreme Court. We should secure firm orders on the following :-

1. 100% DR / DA neutralization to pensioners retired prior to 01-08-1997.

2. Revision of pension on every wage revision to in-service employees viz. 01-08-1992, 01-08-1997, 01-08-2002, 01-08-2007 and subsequent relevant dates. Appropriate pension should be fixed on 01-11-1993 (Date of commencement of Pension Scheme ) or from the date of retirement, whichever is later.

3.Arrears should be paid in cash on DR & Pension calculated from the eligible dates.

4. Interest on arrears from the date of judgment in SB of Jaipur Branch of Rajasthan HC.

5. The Order Of Apex Court must be made applicable to the entire classes of pensioner community.

6. Arrears should be paid within a time frame.

7. Detailed calculation sheet should be provided to each and every pensioner, including family pensioner.

We will be anxious to know details of deliberations in the SC at the end of hearings on 23rd instant.

Fraternally Yours,
M.P.Subrahmanian, Chairman, RIEA, Madurai.