Be So Happy in One of These Beautiful Little Towns

Beautiful Towns I Would Love to Live In…

At some point in life, there are two options as far as I’m concerned. Go live somewhere that makes you feel peaceful and happy, or at least use your time to VISIT some places that make you feel peaceful and happy. After all, why did we work all our lives, if not to enjoy the fruits of our labor?

There is a beautiful world out there, full of not only the big attractions we all know, but also the small, picturesque towns that hold some of the most amazing views and peaceful surroundings on God’s green earth. Here are some of my favorites. Where should I go first?

Yangzhou, China
beautiful little towns
Surrounded by karst peaks and bordered on one side by the Li River, it is easily accessible by bus or by boat from nearby Guilin. In the 1980s, the town became popular with foreign backpackers, and by the late 1990s group tours began arriving in greater numbers. At that time, domestic tourism represented only a small fraction of the overall tourists, but by 2005, domestic tourists outnumbered foreign ones by a great margin. Today, the town has become a resort destination for both domestic and foreign travelers.
Jiufan, Taiwan
beautiful little towns
This stunning village is about 400 years old, founded in the early 17th century. It was meant to house only nine families at first, and that’s where it got its name. "Jiufan" translates to "nine portions." After gold was discovered in the area in 1893, the small village quickly bloomed into a full-size town.
Rimaggiore, Italy
beautiful little towns
This little town off the coast of the Italian Riviera is part of five villages that make up the Cinque Terre area. It is also a national park and world heritage site. The terraces are built to overcome the rough terrain of this place.
Hallstatt, Austria
beautiful little towns
This amazing village was founded back in medieval times and is home for about 1,000 residents. It it located high in the Hallstat Mountains, where visitors can explore prehistoric mines that include some of the first to ever be used.
Positano, Italy
beautiful little towns
There is a story behind the name of this colorful little town. Its local church of Santa Maria Assunta includes an icon of a black madonna, harking back to Byzantine times. According to local legend, the icon was stolen from Byzantium by pirates who, during a storm, were accosted by a voice screaming "Posa, posa!" ("put down, put down). The pirates left the relic at this small fishing village and the storm immediately stopped.
Zermatt, Switzerland
beautiful little towns
As if taken out of a fairytale, you can find the stunning and snowy town of Zermatt at the upper end of Matter Valley, at a height of about 5,000 feet, shadowed by the sky-breaking peaks surrounding it.
Bled, Slovenia
beautiful little towns
The unique village of Bled was founded over 1,000 years ago, in 1004, and was considered so beautiful by the Emperor of Rome that he made it a gift to the Bishop of Brixen. There is a church located in the center of the picturesque Bled Lake, and this town now has 5,000 residents and boasts some of the most beautiful health spas around.
Anywhere near Lake Garda, Italy
beautiful little towns
Why Lake Garda? Well it’s the largest lake in Italy and is surrounded by eye-catching mountains, valleys and stunning villages where you can find that lake house you always wanted. Plus Italian food, of course.
Reine, Norway
beautiful little towns
This tiny fishing village has only 329 people living in it, but was voted the most beautiful village in all of Norway (which is saying something). It can be found on the arctic island of Moskenesøya.
Shirakawa-go, Japan
beautiful little towns
This beautiful little traditional village is known for it’s extremely steep roofs that were made to withstand the incredibly heavy snow falls in the area. Still, the lights and the snow make this little town a beautiful gem.
Scilla, Italy
beautiful little towns
You can find the dazzling views of Scilla on the tip of Italy’s famous boot. In Greek mythology, this was the home of a monster called Scyyla, who guarded a narrow channel of water between Italy and Sicily. In the end, it was slain by Heracles (also known as Hercules) in a legendary battle.
San Quirico d’Orcia, Italy
beautiful little towns
San Quirico d’Orcia is a commune of about 2,500 inhabitants in the Province of Siena in the beautiful Italian region of Tuscany. It’s located about 80 kilometres (50 mi) southeast of Florence and named in honor of Saint Quiricus.
Livno, Bosnia & Hercegovina
beautiful little towns
This ancient place has been populated, according to experts, since 2000 BC. This lush and plentiful land was home to an iron-age tribe called the Delmatae, as well as the Romans themselves. It is surrounded by beautiful and tranquil views, and has some of the best sunsets you’ll ever witness.
Cemoro Lawang, Indonesia
beautiful little towns
A climber’s paradise, Cemoro Lawang was founded 7,200 feet above sea level. Visitors to the town can see both Mount Bromo and Mount Batok from the town. This is one of the most unique places you’ll ever see, and the fog makes it a magical and mysterious destination.
Damuls, Austria
beautiful little towns
Known as "the snowiest holiday resort in the world", this popular tourism resort in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg holds the municipal record for the heaviest snow falls – which makes for some great skiing!
San Marino, Italy
beautiful little towns
The dramatic and breathtaking scenery of the micro-republic of San Marino includes 24 square miles in Northern Italy. This marvelous place was founded in 301 AD and is one of the oldest surviving sovereign states in the world.
Xitang, China
beautiful little towns
Xitang is an ancient town that is divided into 8 parts, connected by 104 bridge crossings. The reason for this unusual division is that this beautiful place is crisscrossed by 9 different rivers.
Mountain Village in the Himalayas, Tibet
beautiful little towns
This is only one of many such beautiful villages dispersed in the Himalaya mountains. You can only get to them by foot or by horse, and they are designed to support the monasteries high in the mountains.
Queenstown, New Zealand
beautiful little towns
The biggest little town on the list. This resort town has a population of about 16,000 people and can be found in the Southwest part of the South Island. This is a great place for sporty fun, as the town offers visitors activities such as snowboarding, jet boating, whitewater rafting, skydiving, paragliding, mountain biking and many more.
Mosel, Germany
Mosel is one of 13 German wine regions and takes its name from the Moselle River. The Mosel is mainly famous for its wines made from the Riesling grape, so it’s a great place for wine lovers, as well as the obvious lovers of incredible scenery.
Tenby, Wales
beautiful little towns
Things you can find in beautiful Tenby (in Welsh, Dinbych-y-pysgod – little town of the fishes) include 2.5 miles (4.0 km) of sandy beaches; the 13th century medieval town walls, including the Five Arches barbican gatehouse; the 15th century St. Mary’s Church; the Tudor Merchant’s House (National Trust); Tenby Museum and Art Gallery; and the Pembrokeshire Coast Path, part of Wales’ only coastal National Park. And just look at that view…
