Funny ones from Politicians side Worth reading PREACHING OF RAVAN FOR MODERN AGE

Enjoy:).A) NAWAZ SHARIEF N MODI were lodged in the same hotel while here in NYC for the UN-GA. When they found out that now they must sit facing each other in the same suite too, also share a King bed, they decided to remain silent to each other by choosing a game of CHESS. As Nawaz made his moves, Modi talked over his TWITTER and "Phase-Book" account with CEO-s of "Silly-Cone" valley. When Modi got up, went into the rest room and returned, he found Nawaz had already stolen two PAWNS from Modi’s side on the chess board.

Modi almost broke his silence, then chose to chew a packet of PAAN PARAAG.

Then came the opportunity for MODI. Nawaz got up, left the room and entered the Rest Room for his natural epidemic. Modi quietly tiptoed behind him and Locked the bathroom door with a NAVTAAL and was happily dangling the Brass Key in his hand. Nawaz banged on the door and looked through a Ventillator. "Open the door, Modi" he said.

Modi looked back at him, smiled and sang a song, so familiar to the Bollywood lovers. "Hum tum Eka KAMAREY mein Bund Houn, Aur Chaavi Khou Jaaye".

Nawaz Sharief retorted with this song:

@ Modi — (Nawaz sang) — "Chor Chor Ka Shor Machaa Kar, Kare Loag Badanaam. Arey Jaise Karam Karegaa Vaise Phal Degaa Bhagwan."

Modi responded thus: "Chori mera Kaam hai Yaaro, Geethaa ka Gyaan".

B) When Modi finally managed to get his "Bheesa" to the USA, he was overwhelmed with joy. He sat down with Obama for a few minutes at the White House and as he was speaking in Hindi to the Swahili speaking "Poser" African-American named "Prakash Oh’Brahma", "Hum Aisa karen-Gay, hum Vaisa karen-Gay," Oh’Brahma looked at Hillahry-Gillehree and said "Oh Missile and I knew he loves GAYS. Let’s give him ten billion for his state to make more TEA STALLS".

C) When Bill Clinton was being interviewed about his new post of becoming the FIRST EVER "FIRST GENTLEMAN" at the White House, he retorted with this:

(@ the FOX TV Anchor) "Well, Chris, you see the problem there? Hillary, if she gets elected, will not employ any females as Interns anymore. And I would be very glad that Anthony Weiner’s wife would not be around her either, you see, it is a win-win situation, baby".