Category : Science

London : Have an unsupportive boss ? It may be good for you, according to new study which shows that dealing with emotional exhaustion at work can boost happiness. Researchers, including those from University of East Anglia in the UK, conducted three complementary studies involving a total of 500 employees in Portugal and the US.
The participants worked in multiple occupations, including management, engineering, business, as well as office and administration support, sales, education and healthcare.
The studies used different measures of emotional exhaustion, happiness and perceived supervisor support (PSS) and the participants were asked to complete questionnaires.
Researchers found that perceiving low supervisor support stimulates the employee’s engagement in developing an action plan which, when paired with what the researchers call instrumental social support — the activity of searching for advice, support or information from others — boosts happiness.
Low PSS enhanced the relationship between emotional exhaustion and planning activities, whereas searching for instrumental social support enhanced the relationship between planning and happiness, researchers said. " Perceived supervisor support appears to be a double-edge sword. …on the one hand preventing the emergence of emotional exhaustion, but on the other diminishing the likelihood that employees will engage in planning to deal with emotional exhaustion," said Ferreira Peralta of University of East Anglia.
" Our findings suggest that the activities people engage to have a key role in building happiness…. Emotional exhaustion can have a silver lining," Peralta said. ___ PTI

( The Times of India, Madurai, Monday, April 17, 2017 )
Courtesy : MPS