19 Pictures That Prove Your Eyes and Brains Are Lying To You…

19 Pictures that’ll Trick Your Eyes and Brain!

Photographic technology helps us capture moments that have been stopped in time, which you can then examine in depth and discover amazing things. The different effects of angles, reflections, and lighting make us sometimes see things that we would not have noticed before and which may have not really existed – examples of this can be seen in the next 19 pictures. Each will cause you to linger in front of it for a few seconds trying to figure out what it is that’s really going on in them, and once you understand, you’ll find out how easily your eyes and brain can fool you.

Miniature dinosaurs? No – just lemurs with their tails up!

19 illusion pictures

The sun seems to be giving him a massage

19 illusion pictures

The importance of shutter speed

19 illusion pictures

What may seem a sea is nothing but a plain plastic bag

19 illusion pictures

The longest hand in the world

19 illusion pictures Could this cat have 18 souls?

19 illusion pictures

What are those black dots on the snowy trees? These are thousands of crows!

19 illusion pictures

A window in an abandoned building that looks a framed picture

19 illusion pictures

When the setting sunset reflects on this building it looks it’s on fire!

19 illusion pictures

The poor dog woke up too late after being caught in the rain…

19 illusion pictures

Lettuce that wanted to be a Fir

19 illusion pictures

If you thought that this is a leaf, this insect’s camouflage works well

19 illusion pictures

These hands seem to be holding a picture in front of the camera, but they aren’t….

19 illusion pictures

The day monkeys get this big, we’ll abandon the outdoors

19 illusion pictures

Man came from monkeys

19 illusion pictures

The squirrel took the cats spot

19 illusion pictures

A metropolitan city with a wealth of skyscrapers? No, it’s just a cemetery

19 illusion pictures

This huge rock plans to sail all over the world

19 illusion pictures

You thought it was a beautiful caterpillar? Take a second look….
19 illusion pictures
