Category : General

For many people, going to work is just a way to make a living, unhappily dragging oneself through each day to make ends meet, If you are one among them, remember that it it’s harmful for you, especially if it’s been a long-term phenomenon. It’s important that you find something in your current job to love and be happy, say experts. Here are five ways to be happy at work.
1. Start the day on a good note :-
How you feel in the morning affects your mood throughout the day. So do something that makes you feel good in the morning. You can do stuff as simple as, savouring your first cup of tea, focusing on how you feel as you drink it and enjoying every sip. Also, try to go out and get some fresh air. A walk in the morning an boost your happiness. 2. Create a space of your own :-
Since you spend a lot of time at work, you can try decorating your work area to improve your happiness. From displaying pictures to adding some greenery and using fun magnets and push pins to hold things cheer you up, you an make your work area a fun place to sit in for long hours.
3. Flash a smile :-
Some thing as simple as smiling can increase your happiness quotient at work. Smiling is contagious, you can be sure that it will make your colleagues smile as well. When you smile, neutrotransmitters called endorphins are released. Endorphins are responsible for making people feel happy and they also help reduce stress levels.
4. Leave your personal problems at home :-
If you’re going through a stressful phase in your personal life, it can hamper your happiness and productivity at the work place, too. Make sure you don’t carry your personal life over to your professional life, so that you’re able to focus and be productive at work. More productivity will automatically bring you happiness.
5. Have a best friend at work :-
Most employees are unsecure of whether to have a friend at workplace or not. But experts say that employees who have friends at work find their jobs more fun and enjoyable. Having a bestie at workplace an give you a feeling of having a support system,
camaraderie and sense of loyalty. If you find fostering friendship at work a difficult thing to achieve, remember this tip : It’s easier to befriend colleagues of your age and from similar background or life style.

( Chennai Times, The Times of India, Wednesday, January 24, 2018 ) Courtesy : MPS