Rich in Vitamin E, palm oil can strengthen immunity, says study

Published on:6 November 2020, 15:59pm IST
Palm oil is a very economical source of vitamin E and several studies have shown that it can have beneficial effects on your immune system.
Palm oil can help you fight multiple ailments and keep your immunity strong! Image courtesy: ShutterstockListen to this article

Palm oil is extracted from palm trees and is considered to be very economical. Apart from being economical, palm oil is filled with essential nutrients and vitamins that can be extremely beneficial to our overall health.

Palm oil is a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin E which can promote good health, hair and skin. In addition to these benefits, a recent study conducted published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, found that palm oil can also improve the immune system of your body and protect you against diseases.

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Here’s how palm oil can help

Palm oil contains abundant quantities of vitamin E compounds which include tocopherols and tocotrienols. These compounds have an antioxidant effect which means that they can successfully protect the cells from damage caused by the toxic chemicals produced by metabolic processes.

A team of researchers from Malaysia and Libya recently investigated the effect of tocotrienols extracted from palm oil on mice liver cells. The team investigated the expression levels of genes influenced by a transcription factor Nrf2-known to upregulate phase II drug metabolism in reaction to metabolic processes and the translocation of the same factor into the cellular nucleus.

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