💯 Days with HFN St🌍ry

♥️ Story-98 ♥️

Before reading… Gently close your eyes… Bring your attention to your heart… Smile for a moment… And think how honest we are with our lives…

Seven Rupees

The Nobel Laureate Prof. C.V. Raman after retirement, wished to open a Research Institute in Bangalore. He gave an advertisement in the newspapers for recruiting researchers for three posts.

Lots of eager scientists applied thinking that even if they were not selected, they would at least get an opportunity to meet the Nobel Laureate.

In the preliminary selection, five candidates were shortlisted and the final interview was to be taken by Prof. C.V. Raman himself.

Three were selected out of the five.

Next day Prof. Raman was taking a walk and found one young man waiting to meet him. He realized that it was the same man who was not selected.

The Prof. asked him what the problem was and he replied that there was no problem at all, but that after finishing the interview the office had paid him ₹7 extra than his claim and he wanted to return it. But because the accounts had closed, Prof. Raman said they could not take back the amount and asked him to enjoy it.

The man insisted that it is not right for him to accept the money which did not belong to him.

Prof. C V Raman took the money from him saying, "Okay then, if you wish to return the ₹7."

After going few steps forward the Prof. asked the young man to meet him the next day at 10.30 am. The man was happy that he would get an opportunity to meet the great man again.

When he met the Prof. next day, the Nobel Laureate told the young man, "Son, you failed in the Physics test but you have passed the test of honesty. So I have created another post for you." The young man was surprised and very happy to join.

Later on, he too became a Nobel Laureate in 1983. This young man was Prof. Subrahmanyan Chandrashekhar (US Citizen of Indian Origin)

He has written a book on how seven rupees changed his life.

This was how honesty made a great scientist and today we are proud of his achievements.

Purity of purpose and purity of intentions will take us far ahead. I have to be honest about my search before I can instill in others such purity and honesty for inner search.


"Listen to the heart carefully and follow it faithfully. Let it be your inner Guide. It will guide us at every step of our path and at every stage of our lives. This is Heartfulness."

Heartfulness Meditation 💌

HFN Story Team

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