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Chanakya Niti: Do not tell these secrets to anyone even by mistake according to chanakya niti

Chanakya Niti: To have a happy life.. Don’t tell anyone these secrets even by mistake

Surya Kala | Jun 01, 2024 | 7:42 AM

Telling your secrets to others can lead to difficulties in life. Acharya Chanakya also mentions some things related to human behavior in his ethics. One of those secrets is not to be shared with others. Revealing the secrets of life can lead to many hardships. Obstacles arise in life. It leads to bad consequences.

Chanakya Niti
People share some important things of their life with each other. Telling everything about yourself to others will lead to many problems later on. If anyone wants to become a successful person in life.. some secrets should be confined to you. Don’t tell anyone. Telling your secrets to others can lead to difficulties in life. Acharya Chanakya also mentions some things related to human behavior in his ethics. One of those secrets is not to be shared with others. Revealing the secrets of life can lead to many hardships. Obstacles arise in life. It leads to bad consequences.

Don’t tell anyone your problems
Don’t tell anyone your family problems, health problems or other personal problems. Because of this people may take advantage of your weakness or make fun of you. Also do not tell anyone about your income, expenses, savings and investments. This can make people jealous of you or try to take advantage of you.

Also keep plans secret
According to Chanakya’s ethics do not tell anyone about career plans, business ideas or personal goals. Because of this those people can steal your plans or harm you. Not only this but do not brag too much about achievements like happiness and success. It makes people jealous. Makes you feel negative. It is important to remember that every person has some secrets in their life.

Don’t Share Personal Matters
People should not give too much information about their love affairs, marriage or family relationships to anyone. This may lead to misunderstanding or people may create obstacles in your work. Share problems and plans only with trusted and honest people. This rule enunciated in Chanakya Neethi teaches us that keeping secrets in personal life is the way to lead a happy, successful life.

Don’t tell anyone your feelings
Relationship between husband and wife is based on mutual trust. Both share their feelings with each other. But things between them should never be told to a third person. Doing this will weaken the marital bond. Not only will there be tension in the family, but you will also harm yourself.

Don’t tell this secret to anyone
Acharya Chanakya said that a person should not share his real age with everyone. Just as some drugs and treatment methods are kept secret, keeping the actual age a secret can be beneficial in some cases.

Great Importance of Charity
Apart from this, it is mentioned in Purana texts that charity is of great importance. But secret donation is said to be the best. No one should know about the secret donation. This affects the results of donations.

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Note: The above points are given keeping in mind the general interests of people based on religious texts. This is not confirmed by TV9 Telugu