Be prepared for the next 40 to 50 degree Celsius heat wave. Always drink water slowly…
Avoid drinking cold or ice water!

Currently, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries are experiencing a "heat wave".

So what to do and what not to do:

  1. Doctors advise not to drink very cold water when the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, as our small blood vessels may burst.
    It was reported that a doctor’s friend came home very hot – he was sweating profusely and wanted to cool down quickly –
    He immediately washed his feet with cold water… Suddenly, he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.
  2. When the heat outside reaches 38°C and when you come home, don’t drink cold water – drink only warm water slowly.
    If you come home from being in the sun, don’t wash your hands or feet right away. Wait at least half an hour before washing or showering.

  3. Someone wanted to cool down from the heat and immediately took a bath. After taking a bath, the man was rushed to the hospital where his health deteriorated, he suffered a brain stroke.

Please Note:
During the hot months or if you are very tired, avoid drinking very cold water immediately because it can cause the veins or blood vessels to narrow, leading to a stroke.

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